I love the month of May! Mother's Day is in May and I'm not looking for any gifts.....I just love celebrating love- especially the love between a parent and a child. I imagine that God feels that way also. Since we are His children, I am sure that He is pleased when we show our love for Him and for one another. As we celebrate moms this month, let's not forget to celebrate God also!
Here are some of the events and goings on for May here at Trinity........
1. Mother's Day Brunch: May 8th at 12:30pm in the upstairs Youth room: The children and youth will serve their moms, grandmas, aunts and people who are like mothers to us, a beautiful Mother's Day Brunch. If you have not RSVP'd, please do so quickly!
2. May/June Kid's Klub Dates:
May 15th - Lunch provided by Jennifer Baker (12:15pm-2:15pm)
June 5th - Need Lunch Provider (11:15am-1:15pm)
June 19th - Need Lunch Provider (11:15am-1:15pm)
3. One Service in the Summer: Beginning June 5th and going through September 4th, we will be going to one service. The service will be at 10am and will be a blended service. Because of this time change. Kids Klub will meet from 11:15am - 1:15pm two times per month. I will also be running a parent's connect group at this time - watch for details!
4.The Jensen Beach High School Jubilate Chorus will perform here at Trinity on May 15th at 3pm. Join us for an amazing show.
5. The rummage sale is scheduled for May 20th & 21st. We will be setting up from May 16th - 19th. Please let me know if you are available to help. Start bringing in your "treasures" now!
6. Family Retreat - May 27-29, 2011 at Warren Willis Camp in Leesburg FL. We must have reservations by Sunday May 8th! Carpooling is available. Contact Madeline for details - madeline@trinityjb.org
Save The Date:
1. June 4th - Middle School PTFers at Calypso Bay Water Park in Royal Palm Beach. Join the Middle School Youth for a fun day at the water park. Meet at the church at 10:00 a.m. for a 10:30 a.m. departure. Bring your own lunch. Cost for the park is $5.80. Middle school youth only, please.
2.June 11th - Jam'n Kids (K-5) at Dubois Park (Beach) in Jupiter on June 11th. Join Ms. Christin and the kids for a day of swimming and playing in the sand. Parents must sign a waiver stating that their children are able to swim or will need to accompany their children. Chaperones and drivers are needed. Email Ms. Christin to volunteer or for information - rchristin@yahoo.com.
3.June 17th- PTF Misson Day at The Beach. Join the middle and high school groups for a fun day at the beach where we will also hand out bottles of water in order to spread the love of God. Watch for details or contact Ms. Jen at ms.jen@trinityjb.org.
4. Vacation Bible School June 20-24th - 8:30am - 12noon. PandaManai is our theme this year. Watch for details regarding online and paper registration. As always, VBS is FREE and open to children grades PK-8th. We also need volunteers!!!!
Well, that is about it. Lots of great things going on!
Have a wonderful week!