Hello Everyone,
Well, the fall is just around the corner and Trinity Family Ministries has loads of fun activities and programs to choose from. Here are a few.....
1. We Begin our Fall Worship Service Schedule- Sunday September 11, 2011- The 9:15am service is our contemporary service and children's church will be offered at this service only! The 11:00am service is our traditional service. Nursery is offered at both services
2. The Kickoff of Kids/Youth Wednesday Night Worship - September 14, 2011 -All children (grades K-12 only) are invited to join us every Wednesday Night in the Youth Room for an amazing praise and worship time followed by small group time for each age group. We need adult volunteers for this program who can commit to most Wednesday evenings and love to mentor and worship with our young people. Contact Madeline if you are willing to help! We are planning dinner at 5:30pm and worship and small group time from 6:15pm -7:45pm - K-2nd graders will be done with their group at 7:30pm if parents would like to pick them up early - or they can stay for a fun time of fellowship with their leader and group. Please consider volunteering for this program!
3. Ice Cream Social - Middle School PTF- Friday September 16, 2011 form 7pm-9pm. A fun time of fellowship and yummy ice cream. Invite a friend(or two).
4. Jam'n Kids - 3rd-5th grade Lock-in - "Fruit of The Spirit" - Friday October 23rd at 5pm - Saturday October 24th at 10am- Our 3rd-5th graders will enjoy a fun sleep-over at the church where they will learn healthy habits and how to love ourselves as much as God loves us! Email Ms. Christin to reserve your spot...rchristin@yahoo.com.
5. Walk a Mile in Ms Jen's Shoes - Saturday October 24th at 6am. Ms. Jen is training for a three day, twenty mile a day walk to benefit breast cancer research and treatment. As she prepares for her walk, bring a scripture passage and join her on her practice walk. You can make a donation and discuss the scripture passage you have chosen. See Ms Jen for the location and details..... ms.jen@trinityjb.org
6. Rummage Sale - September 30th and October 1st - 8am-1pm. Please donate your "stuff" as soon as possible and help us with set-up or on the days of the sale. All proceeds to benefit Family Ministries.
7. See You at The Pole - Wednesday September 28th - various early morning hours at all Martin County Schools - Join us for a national time of prayer at the flag poles of our public schools. Check out our website for exact times and locations. www.trinityjb.org.
8. Save the Date - Trunk or Treat - Monday October 31st 6pm -8pm - A safe alternative to trick or treating!
All this information and more can be fond on our website at www.trinityjb.org
All this information and more can be fond on our website at www.trinityjb.org
Have a great week