Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Prayer is a Powerful Thing

Hello Everyone,
While preparing for my sermon last week on prayer I had an opportunity to reflect on just how powerful prayer can be. Prayer has made an amazing difference in my life and in the lives of so many believers around the world. This week I ask that we all pray for Luke Sims as he continues to heal and become stronger. I also ask that we all pray for Pastor Michael and Pastor Jen. Please pray that the Lord will grant them peace in their hearts as they are there for Luke through this difficult time. God is great! He has blessed us all through Luke's inspiring journey so far in his life and I pray that He will continue to bless us as we watch Luke grow in the years to come.

Here are some Family Ministries updates for this week:

1. Habitat For Humanity Dinner Tonight - Tuesday March 22nd at 5:30pm - Join us in Fellowship Hall for a potluck dinner for the Collegiate Challenge students from up  north, giving up their Spring Break to work on a Habitat build here in Martin County. Bring a dish and join us for the fun!

2. Last Connect Group Dinner/Meeting - Our last connect group dinner and meeting for this cycle will be tomorrow night, Wednesday March 23rd. The PTF group will take a week or two off and then will continue to meet on Wednesday  nights. Ms. Jen will get to us with details on this very soon. The rest of our groups will begin meeting again in June.

3. Little Caesar's Pizza Pick-up - Friday March 25th 5pm-6:30pm - Please be at the church this Friday night between 5pm - 6:30pm to pick up your pizza kits that you sold in the fundraiser. If you would like to invite the folks that bought them to pick them up that would be fine also. We do not have room to store any of the items so please be sure they are picked up during this time frame.

4. Kid's Klub Dates - Kid's Klub meets from 12:15pm - 2:15pm two Sundays per month. Here are the upcoming dates:
April 3rd and 17th
May 1st and 15th
* We still need lunch provided for the April 17th as well as the May 15th dates. Let us know if you can help.

5. K-5 Zoo Trip- We have rescheduled the K-5 zoo trip for April 10th following the Charge Conference. The Charge Conference will be from 12:30pm -1:00pm. Bring a bag lunch for your bunch and then we eat and then head out to the zoo. We will be back by 6pm for you to pick up the kids at the church. Let us know if you would like to chaperone. 

6. Kid's Khoir Has Returned: 
Karen Pudwill has agreed to lead Kid's Khoir. Yeah Karen - we love you! Kid's Khoir will now rehearse during Kid's Klub - directly following lunch. We hope your kids will join us!

7. Spaghetti Sauce Cook-off - March 27th @ 12:30pm
Join us on Sunday, March 27th for this fun fundraiser. Tickets are $7.00 - kids eat free. The proceeds will go towards our Family Retreat in May

8. Easter Cantata:
It looks like there is no song for the kids at the Easter Cantata this year. However, they will be offered parts in drama and dance. The rehearsal schedule is as follows:

March 22nd, March 29th, March 31st, April 5th, April 7th - 7pm
April 9th - 9am
April 12th - 6:30pm (Dress Rehearsal)

Performances: Wednesday April 13th and Thursday April 14th - must arrive at church at 5:45pm

Any questions regarding the cantata see Joyce Grubb or Terry Henderson.

*Madeline will be on vacation from March 28th through April 3rd. There will be no blog next week. If you have any questions during that time please contact Susan Engle at the church office 772-334-3404 or susanengle@trinityjb.org.

Thought for the Week:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”  Reinhold Niebuhr 

Have a blessed week!