Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pray for our World!

I seem to be glued to the TV lately. The string of devastating events in Japan has just overwhelmed me. From the earthquake to the tsunami and now to the nuclear crisis, my heart is just broken for the people of Japan. I have prayed quite a bit over the last week or so. I have prayed for the Japanese people. I have prayed for the workers in the nuclear power plants and their families. I have prayed for the children who have witnessed this disaster and I have prayed for our world, that we may learn from this and humble ourselves in the sight of our God, ask for His forgiveness and pray that He will continue to guide us towards His plan for each if us. Most importantly, I pray that we learn to listen to God's whispers in our lives so that we may honor Him and one another. I also pray for a world where Good News abounds. A world where the nightly news talks of love and hope - not death and hopelessness.

We can help to build a world where love abounds! In The Great Commission, Jesus tells us, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20.)

So here is my question for you this week. How have you shared the good news of Jesus Christ this week? Even more specifically, who have you invited to church lately? This is a wonderful time of year to invite folks to join us. The Lenten season provides a wonderful starting point for a person's faith journey and also a great fertile ground for us to grow our relationship with Christ. I challenge each of you to invite a friend or a whole family to come to church with you in the next few weeks. When we invite others into our faith family we are doing exactly what Christ commanded us to do - share the good news of the gospel and make disciples!

As we begin our Lenten Journey here is a brief list of some of the programs and activities we have happening in the next few weeks

1. Kid's Klub Dates Updated:
March 20th
April 3rd 
(Palm Beach Zoo after lunch and Kid's Khoir rehearsal)
April 17th
May 1st
May 15th
* Kid's Klub always meets from 12:15pm -2:15pm
* We need parents to sign-up to provide lunch on all of these dates (app. 25 kids)

2. Kid's Khoir Has Returned: 
Karen Pudwill has agreed to lead Kid's Khoir. Yeah Karen - we love you! Kid's Khoir will now rehearse during Kid's Klub - directly following lunch. We hope your kids will join us!

3. Fundraising Meeting:
Please join us for a quick lunch meeting on Sunday March 20th at 12:15pm to finalize plans for the Spaghetti Dinner and continue working on The Back to School Fair.

4. Spaghetti Sauce Cook-off - March 27th @ 12:30pm
Ticket Sales have been light for this fundraiser. Please take some tickets this coming Sunday and try to sell them to family and friends. Also, we will have a sign-up sheet for volunteers this Sunday. Please sign-up for what you are able to do on the day of the event.

5. Easter Cantata:
It looks like there is no song for the kids at the Eatser Cantata this year. However, they will be offered parts in drama and dance. The rehearsal schedule is as follows:

March 22nd, March 29th, March 31st, April 5th, April 7th - 7pm
April 9th - 9am
April 12th - 6:30pm (Dress Rehearsal)

Performances: Wednesday April 13th and Thursday April 14th - must arrive at church at 5:45pm

Any questions regarding the cantata see Joyce Grubb or Terry Henderson.

Well, please keep our brothers is sisters in Christ from Japan in your prayers and continue to pray for all our brothers and sisters around the world.

Thought for The Week:

"The root of all difficulties is a lack of the sense of the 
     Presence of God." - Emmett Fox


Grace and Peace