Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Blessing of Family

Hello Everyone,
This past week, while on "staycation" I had the amazing blessing of having my sister from Connecticut visit us. I haven't seen my sister Alice in about a year and a half and I didn't realize how much I missed her! I really enjoyed our week together and it made me think about how blessed we are to have our families in our lives. At Trinity Family Ministries we are doubly blessed because God has given us each other. I truly think of all of you as my extended family and I don't think I tell you all often enough how much you mean to me! So, let's make it a point this week to tell each other how much we care! After all, Jesus taught us that God's greatest commandment is to love our Lord God and the second is to love our neighbors! Let me start the ball rolling by telling you "I Love You"!

Here are some Family Ministries updates for this week:

1. K-5 Zoo Trip - We have rescheduled the K-5 zoo trip for April 10th (this coming Sunday) following the Charge Conference. The Charge Conference will be from 12:30pm -1:00pm. Bring a bag lunch for your bunch! The Kids will eat during charge conference and then we will head out to the zoo. We will be back by 6pm for you to pick up the kids at the church. Let us know if you would like to chaperone. 

2. Family Fun Night at The Nance Cow Camp - Join us on Saturday April 16th at 4pm at the Nance Cow Camp for an afternoon/evening of family fun. The address is 3006 SW Deer Run Ave - Okeechobee, Fl 34974map. We will enjoy a great meal and take part in some fun family activities. Bring beverages for your family and a dessert to share. Please RSVP to Madeline at so we know how many folks to prepare for.

3. Easter Egg Hunt - We will hold our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Easter morning between the two services (app. 10:30am). Children up to 10 years old may participate. If you are older than 10 you may volunteer to help with hiding eggs and assisting the younger children during the hunt.

4. Kid's Klub Dates - Kid's Klub meets from 12:15pm - 2:15pm two Sundays per month. Here are the upcoming dates:
April 17th
May 1st and 15th
* We still need lunch provided for the April 17th as well as the May 15th dates. Let us know if you can help.

6. Kid's Khoir Has Returned: 
Karen Pudwill has agreed to lead Kid's Khoir. Yeah Karen - we love you! Kid's Khoir will now rehearse during Kid's Klub - directly following lunch. We hope your kids will join us!

Save The Date
  •  Rummage Sale - May 20-21
  •  Youth Lock-in - May 20-21
  •  Mother's Day Brunch - May 8th at 12:30pm (the kids will wait on their moms!
  •  Family Retreat - May 27-29 at Warren Willis Camp in Leesburg, FL (The estimated cost per person after fundraising is only $10!)

Thought for the Week:
"I've read the last page of the Bible. It's all going to turn out all right."
Billy Graham

Have a blessed week!