Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy First Day of March!

Well, it is March! The first two months of 2011 flew by! This month is packed with lots of events and activities so I will waste no time and get right to listing them!

1. PTF (Youth- Middle/High School) Camp-out -  Friday March 4th/Saturday March5th: The Point To Faith group will camp out at Phipps Park Campground in Stuart. The theme will be "What are we putting into our bodies and how will it affect us?" Youth will meet at Trinity at 5:00 p.m. for carpooling or you can meet us at the campground. Contact Ms. Jen for details - ms.jen@trinityjb.org

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2. Palm Beach Zoo - Grades K-5 Only - March 6th. Drop kids off at the church at 12:15pm with a bagged lunch. We will eat our lunches at the church before we leave for the zoo. We will return to the church around 6pm. Please send money for snacks, drinks or souvenirs with your children. Is anyone interested in driving and joining us at the zoo? Please let Miss Christin know. YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR CHILD FOR THIS TRIP BY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2ND because tickets must be purchased in advance.  Email Madeline if you would like to attend but have not yet signed up.   madeline@trinityjb.org         

3. Spring Festival - March 12th 5pm-8pm. Volunteers are needed. Please let me know if you are able to help at this event. We are very excited to be welcoming "In The Walk" - contemporary Christian band and worship team to our sanctuary. As always we will have a bounce house, pony rides, crafts, face painting and dinner - ALL FOR FREE! We hope you will be able to join us for this amazing outreach.

4. Tickets for the Spaghetti Sauce Cook-off Fundraiser, to be held on March 27th at 12:30pm, will go on sale March 6th after both services in Fellowship Hall. We will also start signing up folks to enter their spaghetti sauce and desserts on March 6th. 

5. Little Caeser's pizza orders and payments are due on March 13th. I must transmit the full order the next day in order to have the pizzas here for our March 25th delivery day. How are your sales going? Please continue selling as many kits as you can. All profits will go towards our Family Retreat in May. The more you sell, the less each of us will have to pay!

6. Habitat for Humanity Collegiate Challenge Potluck Dinner - Tuesday March 22nd at 5:30pm. Bring a dish and join us for a fun evening of good food and fellowship as we welcome a high school group from "Up North" who will be here for the week working on a Habitat build.

Save The Date:

Family Retreat - May 27-29, 2011 - Warren Willis Camp - Leesburg, FL - This year's theme is "Crazy Love"!

Mother's Day Brunch - Sunday May 8th at 12:15pm - By invitation only (all Family Ministries moms will be invited). The dads and the kids will be waiting on us!

Rummage Sale - May 20 & 21st - All proceeds to benefit Family Ministries Trips (retreat and  mission)

Thought for the Week:

More than listening to a hundred lectures or delivering them to others, offering one act as genuine service attracts the Grace of God.-anonymous

Grace and Peace

Director of Family Ministries