Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Well, it has been a while since I last "blogged".  As a candidate for ordained ministry, one of my development plans is centered on "finding balance in my life" however, I have come to the conclusion that while working in family ministry, there is no balance to be found between October and January! I was blessed to take a few days off for Thanksgiving and go away with my family, but other than that, it has been go, go go......And that is dnagerous because we tend to forget the true meaning of this beautiful season of advent. I have made a promise to myself and to God that I will slow down these last few weeks before Christmas and truly enjoy the folks that I love and truly remember the reason for the season - the birth of of our savior Jesus Christ!

Let me give you a quick update on some ways you can slow down and celebrate with us over the next  10 days or so.......

1. Parents Day Out - Saturday December 17th from 9am-4pm Drop off your kids to Christin and her crew who will bake cookies, make crafts, play outside, watch movies and have a yummy lunch with the kids. There is a suggested donation of $5.00 -$10 per child if you are able. Please email madeline at to register.

2. Wednesday Night Worship - every Wednesday evening from 5:30pm - 7:45pm Kids in grades K-12 are invited to join us for dinner, worship and small group learning/fun. 

3. High School PTF Volunteering at White Doves Toy Distribution on Tuesday December 20th from 2:15pm-5:15pm. -Meet at the church at 1:45pm and we will all ride over together.

4. Family Ministries Christmas Celebration - Friday December 23rd at 5pm at the parsonage (434 NE Acacia Place Jensen Beach, FL 34957)- This event requires an RSVP to Please bring an appetizer to share. Adults/ high school youth should bring a $5-$10 grab bag gift and children (elementary and middle school) will be given ($5 limit) a Secret Santa assignment. If your child is signed up but cannot attend PLEASE send the gift anyway so all children will have a gift to open!

5. Christmas Eve Services - 5:30pm/7pm/8:30pm - All are candlelight services - Our Kids Khoir will be singing at the 5:30pm service (please try to arrive by 5:00pm) for a sound check and quick rehearsal.

5. Christmas Day Service - 11am - There is one service offered on Christmas Day. The Children's Moment will be a "Blessing of the Toys". Please have your children bring ONE SPECIAL TOY/GIFT and Pastor Michael will offer a special blessing on that very special gift!

There is definitely something for everyone in the remainder of our advent schedule. Whatever you choose to do, I pray that you will take a deep breath, relax, pray and remember the true meaning of Christmas!

-Madeline Baum
Director of Family Ministries

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Please Join Us!

Hello Everyone,
Well, the fall is just around the corner and Trinity Family Ministries has loads of fun activities and programs to choose from. Here are a few.....

1. We Begin our Fall Worship Service Schedule- Sunday September 11, 2011- The 9:15am service is our contemporary service and children's church will be offered at this service only! The 11:00am service is our traditional service. Nursery is offered at both services

2. The Kickoff of Kids/Youth Wednesday Night Worship - September 14, 2011 -All children (grades K-12 only) are invited to join us every Wednesday Night in the Youth Room for an amazing praise and worship time followed by small group time for each age group. We need adult volunteers for this program who can commit to most Wednesday evenings and love to mentor and worship with our young people. Contact Madeline if you are willing to help! We are planning dinner at 5:30pm  and worship and small group time from 6:15pm -7:45pm - K-2nd graders will be done with their group at 7:30pm if parents would like to pick them up early - or they can stay for a fun time of fellowship with their leader and group. Please consider volunteering for this program! 

3. Ice Cream Social - Middle School PTF- Friday September 16, 2011 form 7pm-9pm. A fun time of fellowship and yummy ice cream. Invite a friend(or two).

4. Jam'n Kids - 3rd-5th grade Lock-in - "Fruit of The Spirit" - Friday October 23rd at 5pm - Saturday October 24th at 10am- Our 3rd-5th graders will enjoy a fun sleep-over at the church where they will learn healthy habits and how to love ourselves as much as God loves us! Email Ms. Christin to reserve your

5. Walk a Mile in Ms Jen's Shoes - Saturday October 24th at 6am.  Ms. Jen is training for a three day, twenty mile a day walk to benefit breast cancer research and treatment. As she prepares for her walk, bring a scripture passage and join her on her practice walk. You can make a donation and discuss the scripture passage you have chosen. See Ms Jen for the location and details.....

 6. Rummage Sale - September 30th and October 1st - 8am-1pm. Please donate your "stuff" as soon as possible and help us with set-up or on the days of the sale. All proceeds to benefit Family Ministries.

7. See You at The Pole - Wednesday September 28th - various early morning hours at all Martin County Schools - Join us for a national time of prayer at the flag poles of our public schools. Check out our website for exact times and locations.

8. Save the Date - Trunk or Treat - Monday October 31st 6pm -8pm - A safe alternative to trick or treating!

All this information and more can be fond on our website at

Have a great week


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer........

Well, it has been some time since I last wrote! Since summer began we have been on a whirlwind of motion here at Trinity. Vacation Bible School was awesome - we welcomed many new families to Trinity and had an amazing week getting to know each other and growing closer to God. Our Wednesday Night Connect Groups have been outstanding and all of our other activities have been providing a great atmosphere of fellowship and love.

Now it is time to start thinking about the Fall and getting back to school - even though we do have a bit more time for  summer fun left on the calendar.

Here are some upcoming activities and events for you to put on your calendars:

1. KId's Klub Dates: 11:15am -1:15pm
 - July 17th
 - August 7th and 21st
- September 4th and 18th (on the 18th the time will change to 12:15pm-2:15pm
*We still need folks to provide lunch for August 21st and both September dates! Let Madeline know if you are able to help.
* Kid's Khoir will resume rehearsals during the August Kid's Klub Dates

2. Parent's Connection:
On Sundays, during Kid's Klub, you are invited to our special parent connect group. We are currently working with a study called "Facing the Unknown". Please join us and bring a bagged lunch on the following dates:
July 17th
August 7th
August 21st

3. Jam'n Kids at The Children's Museum
Join Christin and the Jam'n Kids for a fun day at The Children's Museum of the Treasure Coast on August 6th. This trip is for grades K-5 only. The cost is $7.00 per child- this will also cover lunch(financial assistance is available). RSVP to by July 27th. Meet at the church at 10:30am. Chaperones are needed.

4. High School PTF Survivor Lock-in - July 21-22nd. 
Join Ms Jen on the survivor island for a great time of fun and spiritual growth. Contact Ms. Jen to reserve your spot. Cost is $8.00 per person. Bring a friend!

5. High School and Middle School PTF Friday Night Live  Drop-in -July 29th - 8pm-11pm. Stop by the youth room for music, movies, poetry and just hanging out. No need to RSVP - just stop by!

6. Family Fun Night - Saturday July 30th - Date Change  - 5pm - Fellowship Hall - Potluck Dinner and Charades. We had so much fun playing charades at the family retreat, we thought we should do it again. Please rsvp to Madeline and let her know what you will be bringing.

7. High School and Middle School PTF Beach Mission Day. Join Ms. Jen on Saturday August 6th and hand out bottles of water at the beach. Then chill out and have some fun. Bring a lunch, sunscreen, a bathing suit (modest please), a towel and a heart for serving others. Meet at the church at 10am. 

8. Back To School Fair - Saturday August 13th from 11am-2pm. Join us as we host another free community event. This time, in addition to our regular fun activities and free lunch we will also provide free backpacks to the first 300 children in attendance filled with free school supplies. We will have medical folks on-site to provide free physical examinations and many other wonderful free giveaways. We will be looking for help the week before the event for set-up and filling backpacks. We need help now with phone calls to follow up on donations and line up medical personnel to volunteer. We will need help on the day of the event in the kitchen, in the game area, as well as at the craft tables. Let us know if you are available to help!

In September we will be kicking off Wednesday Night Worship for Jam'n Kids and PTF Groups. Put it on your calendar beginning September 14th and be on the lookout for more updates and information.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Summer is Coming

All of a sudden it feels like summer. Boy is it hot! It amazes me how quickly things change. Wasn't it yesterday that we were complaining about how cold it was? I still can't believe Sara is nine years old! It seems like just yesterday that I was holding her in my arms. All of this quick change reminds me that I need to be worshiping, serving and loving God every moment of my life. We can't say, "Oh, I'm just too busy today so I will read the Bible tomorrow." Or, "One of these days I'm going to go volunteer at the Food Bank", Or even, Maybe when I'm not so tired I will go to church". The Lord tells us in His word, "Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— 14 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time" ... (James 4: 13-14)

Be sure to love God, your family, your neighbors and your life 
today. Let's not wait for tomorrow!

Here are some upcoming events:

1. Back to School Fair committee Meeting this coming Sunday, May 15th at 12:15pm. Lunch will be provided. Please consider helping with this major outreach event

2. The rummage sale is scheduled for May 20th & 21st. We will be setting up from May 16th - 19th. Please let me know if you are available to help. We need more treasures to sell! Start bringing in your "treasures" now!

3. May/June Kid's Klub Dates:     
May 15th - Lunch provided by Jennifer Baker (12:15pm-2:15pm)
June 5th - Need Lunch Provider (11:15am-1:15pm)
June 19th - Need Lunch Provider (11:15am-1:15pm)
* Kid's Khoir rehearses during Kid's Klub!

4. PTF Kidnapping/Lock-in is on May 20th/21st. All PTFers will also put on a Fashion Show at the Rummage Sale on May 21st. Contact Ms. Jen for details.

5. Middle School PTFers and 3rd-5th Grade Jam'n Kids will be going to Calypso Bay Water Park on Saturday June 4th. The Cost is $5.50 per person and  everyone needs to bring a lunch. Chaperones and Drivers are needed. Contact Ms. Jen or Ms. Christin  for details.
6.  Sunday Parent's Connect Group is starting up again! Beginning on Sunday June 19th our parent's Connect Group 
will again begin meeting. We will offer our standard  
groups onWednesday evenings for all age levels, and we will hold a group for parents on Kid's Klub Sundays, during Kid's Klub.  The topic for the summer will be "Facing The Unknown" . Pastor Mark Batterson helps us to answer the questions, Wat wdo I do now? Am I doing what God wants me to? How will I know? He guides us through this journey by looking at the life of Abraham. Please sign up on your connect card or email Madeline to reserve a spot.

7.The Jensen Beach High School Jubilate Chorus will perform  here at Trinity this Sunday at 3pm for an amazing show. Please join us!

8. Family Retreat - May 27-29, 2011 at Warren Willis Camp in Leesburg FL. We must have reservations by Sunday May 8th! Carpooling is available. Contact Madeline for details -

Save The Date:

1.June 11th - Jam'n Kids (K-5) at Dubois Park (Beach) in Jupiter on June 11th. Join Ms. Christin and the kids for a day of swimming and playing in the sand. Parents must sign a waiver stating that their children are able to swim or will need to accompany their children. Chaperones and drivers are needed. Email Ms. Christin to volunteer or for information -

2.June 17th-  PTF Misson Day at The Beach. Join the middle and high school groups for a fun day at the beach where we will also hand out bottles of water in order to spread the love of God. Watch for details or contact Ms. Jen at

3. Vacation Bible School June 20-24th - 8:30am - 12noon. PandaManai is our theme this year. Watch for details regarding online and paper registration. As always, VBS is FREE and open to children grades PK-8th. We also need volunteers!!!!

Well, that is about it. Lots of great things going on!

Have a wonderful week!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May is a Month Filled with Love!

I love the month of May! Mother's Day is in May and I'm not looking for any gifts.....I just love celebrating love- especially the love between a parent and a child. I imagine that God feels that way also. Since we are His children, I am sure that He is pleased when we show our love for Him and for one another. As we celebrate moms this month, let's not forget to celebrate God also!

Here are some of the events and goings on for May here at Trinity........

1. Mother's Day Brunch:  May 8th at 12:30pm in the upstairs Youth room: The children and youth will serve their moms, grandmas, aunts and people who are like mothers to us, a beautiful Mother's Day Brunch. If you have not RSVP'd, please do so quickly!

2. May/June Kid's Klub Dates:     
May 15th - Lunch provided by Jennifer Baker (12:15pm-2:15pm)
June 5th - Need Lunch Provider (11:15am-1:15pm)
June 19th - Need Lunch Provider (11:15am-1:15pm)

3.  One Service in the Summer: Beginning June 5th and going through September 4th, we will be going to one service. The service will be at 10am and will be a blended service. Because of this time change. Kids Klub will meet from 11:15am - 1:15pm two times per month. I will also be running a parent's connect group at this time - watch for details!

4.The Jensen Beach High School Jubilate Chorus will perform  here at Trinity on May 15th at 3pm. Join us for an amazing show.

5. The rummage sale is scheduled for May 20th & 21st. We will be setting up from May 16th - 19th. Please let me know if you are available to help. Start bringing in your "treasures" now!

6. Family Retreat - May 27-29, 2011 at Warren Willis Camp in Leesburg FL. We must have reservations by Sunday May 8th! Carpooling is available. Contact Madeline for details -

Save The Date:

1. June 4th - Middle School PTFers at Calypso Bay Water Park in Royal Palm Beach. Join the Middle School Youth for a fun day at the water park. Meet at the church at 10:00 a.m. for a 10:30 a.m. departure. Bring your own lunch. Cost for the park is $5.80. Middle school youth only, please.

2.June 11th - Jam'n Kids (K-5) at Dubois Park (Beach) in Jupiter on June 11th. Join Ms. Christin and the kids for a day of swimming and playing in the sand. Parents must sign a waiver stating that their children are able to swim or will need to accompany their children. Chaperones and drivers are needed. Email Ms. Christin to volunteer or for information -

3.June 17th-  PTF Misson Day at The Beach. Join the middle and high school groups for a fun day at the beach where we will also hand out bottles of water in order to spread the love of God. Watch for details or contact Ms. Jen at

4. Vacation Bible School June 20-24th - 8:30am - 12noon. PandaManai is our theme this year. Watch for details regarding online and paper registration. As always, VBS is FREE and open to children grades PK-8th. We also need volunteers!!!!

Well, that is about it. Lots of great things going on!

Have a wonderful week!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Holy Week 2011

Can you imagine what it would be like to know that this would be the last week of your life here on earth and that you would suffer unimaginable pain and betrayal before moving on the next life to joyously dwell with your heavenly Father forever? Would you be sad, excited, afraid, anxious, apprehensive or a little bit of all of these emotions put together? I imagine that Jesus experienced every human emotion possible during this last week of His human life. From the triumph and exhilaration of entering Jerusalem to the pain of suffering on the cross to the joy and celebration of the resurrection. What a roller coaster of a week! As we remember the final journey of Jesus this week and move through this wide range of emotions we look forward to Easter morning when the promises were fulfilled, our sins were forgiven as Jesus rose again from the dead and conquered sin for us! I pray that you and your family will have meaningful week as you pray and discuss the meaning of the gospel stories and the joy of Easter morning! Read one of the gospels this week with your children and relive the most amazing story ever told! There is no greater joy than becoming closer to God along with the people that you love the most- your family!

Here is some important information regarding upcoming Holy Week events and future dates to put on your calendar:

1. Good Friday: Good Friday service will be at 6pm on April 22nd. Please join us for a moving experience as we remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Communion will be served.

2. Easter Sunday:
 - Sunrise Service at 6:30am at Jensen Beach
 - 9:15am Praise and Worship at the church
 - 10:30am Easter Egg Hunt (1000 eggs) ages 2-12.
* Youth Group (PTFers) - we need help at the beach for sunrise service and hiding Easter eggs at the church during the 9:15am service. Please let Madeline know if you are able to help. - 772-349-0715

3. Mother's Day Brunch: BY INVITATION ONLY - May 8th at 12:15pm: The children and youth will serve their moms, grandmas and aunts a beautiful Mother's Day Brunch. This event is not open to the entire church but will be by invitation and those invited will be moms, grandmas, aunts etc. of our Family Ministries group. Dads, we need your help also. 

Moms, would you please put together five pictures of you and your child(ren) and email them to me asap? 

4. May Kid's Klub Dates: 12:15pm -2:15pm    
May 1st - Lunch provided by Denise Moore
May 15th - Lunch provided by Jennifer Baker

5.  One Service in the Summer: Beginning June 5th and going through September 4th, we will be going to one service. The service will be at 10am and will be a blended service. Because of this time change. Kids Klub will meet from 11:15am - 1:15pm two times per month. I will also be running a parent's connect group at this time - watch for details!

6.The Jensen Beach High School Jubilate Chorus will perform  here at Trinity on May 15th at 3pm. Join us for an amazing show.

7. The rummage sale is scheduled for May 20th & 21st. We will be setting up from May 16th - 19th. Please let me know if you are available to help.

8. Family Retreat - May 27-29, 2011 at Warren Willis Camp in Leesburg FL. Watch for separate email with registration information.

Have a wonderful week!

See you on Good Friday!
